Chapter 06.

Create a global address book as good as Santa’s

If there’s one person who knows a thing or two about international address data, it’s Santa. But as a busy and rather elusive character, he tends not to be a very reliable source.

So, we’re here to help. Let’s take a look at some of the practical ways your business can reach beyond borders – even in emerging and hard-to-address markets.


Address verification

One way to ensure complete accuracy in customer data collection is to add an address verification tool at your checkout. It works by parsing, standardising, verifying, cleansing and formatting address data for 249 countries and territories, all via a super simple single API integration.

It mitigates typos, ensures specific address formats for each territory are adhered to and prevents bad addresses from ever entering your database – saving you from issues downstream when the parcel is already on the other side of the world.


Geolocation and delivery optimisation

In areas where there is sufficient map data, you can take advantage of route optimisation technologies to direct delivery drivers in the most efficient route from A to B.

By arming GPS and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with accurate geocoordinates, delivery drivers making multiple stops can map out the most efficient way to make their deliveries.


Smart lockers

If the target area isn’t well mapped yet, smart lockers help to automate package delivery by having a static location where parcels can be sent to customers out of delivery zones or in hard-to-reach areas.

Using in-built technology to aid notifications, customers can be alerted when packages arrive for them to collect. Alternative pickup options such as this are helping to revolutionise cross-border commerce in emerging markets and are paving the road to a more connected global network.

The complexities of international data

The world is a complex place. Across 249 countries and territories, there are approximately 6,500 spoken languages, 139 character scripts, and over 130 different address formats that are continuously changing.

Even where differences in formats seem trivial, the lack of one necessary component, or a different order, can prevent your mail from reaching its intended destination.

From capturing an address at the point of entry, to verifying and continuously maintaining address data quality to power a wide variety of business functions such as last-mile delivery or lead-generation campaigns, address data is part of the key attributes that form the complete 360-degree view of a customer.

Capturing, verifying, and enriching location data is key for any company looking to grow and win business in the age of digital transformation and premium customer experiences.

At its core, data quality is the fuel to the technological innovations we rely on to power global commerce in a post-pandemic world.

Why you need an addressing specialist

With international data presenting so many complexities and challenges, the room for error is substantial.

It doesn’t matter how seamless your mobile application or eCommerce site is – if you don’t verify customer location, deliveries will be delayed or go missing, and customer retention and revenue will suffer.

For a long time, address data has been sparse and hard to come by for many areas of the globe. But with address verification from Loqate, we can help you pinpoint an address to a rooftop or premise location – rivalling only Santa’s capabilities.