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Why is my ecommerce store not converting?

Before trying to improve your site with new technology, it is essential to get a better understanding of why your store is experiencing low conversion rates. With this in mind, here are some of the main reasons you may not be seeing your desired conversion results.

Poor site navigation 

Today's digital shoppers are time-strapped and impatient. If they can't find what they're looking for, they'll leave your store for one where they can navigate quickly and easily. Optimising your site with the most effective search technology will ensure you end up with a better user experience, and more customers finding what they want quickly and effortlessly.

Complicated checkout process 

Have you optimised your checkout to make it as seamless as possible? Approximately 1/3 of shoppers abandon the online checkout process because it's too long and complicated. One of the most vital things you can do for your online store is to streamline the checkout process in order to encourage customers along a clear flow. By keeping them focused, and eliminating boredom or confusion, they are much more likely to complete their purchase.

No A/B testing 

If you haven't A/B tested your site features, it's difficult to know what's working well, and what isn't. Without proper insight, you could be putting your performance at risk. Experimenting with different features such as colours and design, button placement, category titles, and menu styles you gain a better understanding of what your customers love, and what drives them away.

Lack of product recommendations 

Product recommendation technology, and displaying customer reviews on site can encourage customers to purchase something that they may have initially doubted. There's a wealth of research to suggest that this improves conversions, and helps make customers feel more confident about purchasing a product. Studies found that 82% of US adults read online reviews and ratings prior to making a purchase. It's time you considered leveraging recommendation engines, and user generated content to engage prospective customers, and connect them to products they'll love.

Not offering live chat

If you have a question while in-store, it's easy to ask the shop assistant for help, but online it's a different ball game. If you aren't offering a live chat solution, what are your customers supposed to do if they require immediate help? It's just too easy for them to leave your site in search of the answer, and if they can get that from someone else, you may have lost out on not just a one-off sale, but maybe even a potential loyal customer.

Lacking shipping clarity 

If you are not properly highlighting your shipping procedures and options, issues can very easily arise. Consumers are constantly looking for faster delivery options that fit into their time schedules. It is essential to ensure that visitors landing on your page understand your shipping policy, and that the points you state are met throughout their purchase experience.

Not asking for user feedback

If you don't ask, you don't get. That's the saying, right? And the same applies to your ecommerce store. Asking for feedback from visitors to your online store is a great way of finding out what you're doing well, and what you really should consider changing. 

It's easy to get stuck in an ecommerce rut, using the same techniques over and over, but in order to see real results, it's always best to look at the aspects of your store that can be improved. Find out how Loqate can help you achieve a better UX, happier customers and, of course, higher conversion rates.