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Leading checkout technology company improves data quality of over 80-million addresses with Loqate

This leading checkout technology company is the largest API-based shopper network in the US and a leading provider in one-click and headless checkout solutions. With a wide range of clientele across multiple regions, they recognise the importance of optimising the checkout process and improving data quality for the eCommerce customers worldwide.

Our customer takes pride in helping brands improve conversion rates and the customer experience by managing and speeding up the checkout process on the retailer's behalf. Regardless of how shoppers choose to pay in the new age of alternative payments, such as headless checkouts, digital wallets and buy-now-pay-later, our customer continuously optimises their product to increase conversion rates and average order values for the eCommerce businesses that join their platform.  


After receiving significant amounts of customer feedback about issues related to data quality, customer experience and failed deliveries, it became clear that this express checkout solution needed to reevaluate their Address Verification approach.


That’s when they turned to Loqate, implementing our flexible API that spans across 250 countries and territories to verify, correct and enrich the address data within their platform.


With Loqate’s Verify API successfully embedded in their “one-click” checkout experience, they saw a dramatic drop in order delays, declines, and chargebacks for the checkout solution’s affiliated retailers and 80 million shoppers worldwide.

Challenge: Global address data challenges impacting cross-border operations 


The express checkout solution’s customers in US and Canada had been reporting countless issues related to Address Verification including, but not limited to: data quality, customer experience and failed deliveries. In addition, as they were looking to expand their business into the European market, they started realising how inadequate Google's Address Verification was, particularly with international address data. Inconsistencies with postal authorities led to chargebacks in the US, highlighting the critical need for a more reliable solution.   
With substantial volumes of 80 million address verifications annually in just the US and Canada alone, our customer faced significant hurdles in finding a solution that could scale globally while ensuring data accuracy. Limited to the US and Canada, their former solution with Google lacked robust international coverage, leading to recurring issues such as inaccuracies in addresses and the absence of type-ahead functionality. These challenges resulted in a substantial number of undeliverable parcels, costly corrections, and logistical disruptions; particularly as the one-click checkout leader aimed to expand their presence into new global markets.

Solution: Implementing Loqate for enhanced address validation 


Our customer sought out to find a comprehensive Address Verification solution tailored to the needs of their eCommerce clientele and with expertise in expanding to global markets. After evaluating various options, the leading checkout technology company turned to Loqate to replace Google, recognising our proven track record and single flexible API for international coverage across 250 countries and territories - 6x more robust when compared to Google.  
The decision to switch was clear after experiencing our advanced features for standardising and verifying address data globally through our superior AI parsing, matching, formatting and enriching engine. With such seamless integration capabilities, our customer aimed to surpass customer expectations by replacing Google with Loqate in a phased rollout across the entirety of its customer base.

Success: Operational efficiency and customer satisfaction 


In May 2023, with a seamless integration, the leading checkout technology company made Loqate their standard; by rolling out Loqate to 100% of their customer base as the default address verification provider entirely replacing Google.    

Our customer saw an immediate shift in data quality and a significant decline in undeliverable parcels for their brands. With Loqate, the leading checkout customisation solution was able to achieve a streamlined checkout process, reduce cart abandonment, and enhance the overall shopping experience for over 80 million shoppers worldwide. 


Our customer’s partnership with Loqate represents a strategic move to address the challenges associated with global address verification and improve the checkout experience for eCommerce customers. By leveraging Loqate's expertise and advanced capabilities, our customer is equipped to expand their market reach, mitigate risks associated with incomplete data, and drive conversion rates for its merchants.  

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