Clothing retailer Reiss increase sales and delivery rates with address finder technology

Clothing retailer Reiss chose Loqate for its online check-out address finder. The company saw an increase in sales and delivery rates, as well as a reduction in customer service calls immediately following its implementation.
Postcode lookup is back to front. Address Verification from Loqate is far more intuitive and more how a customer would naturally quote an address.
Instead of the traditional method of searching for your address by typing in your postcode at the point of checkout, Loqate's address verifitcation allows users to type in the first line of their address and the software will provide addresses matching that first line to choose from. Similar to predictive typing in a search engine, the application will predict what you are searching for and change accordingly as you continue to type.
The store’s three objectives from implementing the technology were to improve its delivery rates, reduce basket abandonment and reduce the number of customer service calls. As well as hitting these results, Loqate's software also allowed Reiss to continue development on its ecommerce sites on mobile and tablet devices.
Ross Loughlin, head of ecommerce at Reiss, said: “We had a few major projects happening at the same time with new checkout options such as same day delivery in London and next day delivery, which involved address lookup, it integrated pretty seamlessly with that too.”
“It’s not an implementation you see everywhere. We were nervous, we expected the calls to go up initially, but we saw a reduction in call centre calls immediately and a relative improvement across all three targets. We can see categorically that courier deliveries have gone up, and calls and basket abandonment have gone down."
Loughlin said that the solution paid for itself in the first five weeks of implementation, which may have been helped by the busy Christmas period. However, he said that it continues to pay for itself.
“We were using it in a way no-one had done so before, there was a lot of back and forth through the development, but the Loqate team were very reactive and cooperative.”