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Why you need address validation in your BigCommerce checkout

What is address validation?

In simple terms, address validation – or address verification – is a technical process for checking and confirming the accuracy of a postal address.

An address can be verified in one of two ways: by capturing an address at the point of entry by the end user or by cleansing, parsing, matching, formatting, transliterating and enhancing data in a database.

Why do you need address validation?

Address validation plays a key role in helping you capture and maintain accurate, up-to-date data. And why is that important? Well, as a growing online business, the quality of your customer data is critical to your success.

Address validation not only reduces delivery errors and associated costs, it also improves user experience, conversion rates, customer marketing and overall business efficiency.

All of this results in happy customers, repeat orders, improved retention and additional revenue, helping you to grow and succeed in an ever-competitive marketplace.

What are the benefits of address validation?

Improve UX and boost conversions

For customers, filling in their shipping and billing address is the grunt work of buying online. A necessary evil, especially if they're shopping on a smartphone.

Address validation reduces the address entry time by up to 78% and cuts back data entry errors at the point of capture by more than 20%.

Reducing the amount of typing required allows your customers to move quickly through the checkout. And by providing a quicker way to enter correct address details, you improve website usability, reduce cart abandonment and boost conversions.

Reduce failed deliveries

Whether it’s a typo at address entry stage or differences in address formatting when buying from overseas, inaccurate address data is one of the main causes of failed deliveries.

And this can lead to upset customers, poor brand reputation, and direct costs to you when having to process refunds or arrange redelivery.

One way of improving the quality of address data through your BigCommerce checkout is with an address validation extension.

Address validation checks the data that a customer enters into an online form and validates it as a real address. It removes human error from the equation and ensures the addresses that enter your database are accurate and up to date, allowing your orders to be delivered on time and to the right location.

How easy is it to install?

Our address validation software is quick and easy to integrate in your BigCommerce checkout and can be done in just a few simple steps, meaning you can be up and running in no time. You don’t even need a developer or coding knowledge.

To add our address validation extension to your BigCommerce checkout, follow the simple steps in our handy setup guide.

Address validation is key to improving a customer’s checkout experience. And if through better UX it’s possible to increase conversions while simultaneously capturing better data which results in more first-time deliveries, address validation should be on the radar of any retailer using BigCommerce.

Still unsure? See how our address capture technology works for yourself.