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Alloy + Loqate: Fast, accurate global data at scale

Alloy serves almost 600 different fintechs and banks internationally as an end-to-end identity fraud risk solution through their extensive ecosystem of data partners. We sat down with CTO and Co-Founder, Charles Hearn, to learn more about how Loqate plays a crucial role in supporting the data quality they promise their customers.   


Alloy struggled with latency times, global data quality, and third-party risks associated with their former solution. They were using multiple APIs to try and solve address verification, in many cases one API for each different country.  


Alloy was compelled to reach out to Loqate, realizing the flexibility and coverage they could offer their customers while maintaining data quality. 


By utilizing Loqate’s Verify API on-premise, Alloy ensures high-quality customer data downstream, thus improving match rates and reducing false positives - making the onboarding process seamless and secure. 


We use Loqate to ensure we're getting a correct, canonical address for every one of the millions of people we verify.


- Charles Hearn, CTO and Co-Founder 


Alloy wanted to streamline the application process while making sure it was safe & secure. They had previously relied on external sources to verify and standardize customer address data, exposing them to third-party risk. 

When looking to expand their business to fight fraud internationally, Alloy recognized the need for global data coverage, which their previous vendors couldn’t provide. This prompted Alloy to actively seek out a new solution that not only addressed their business requirements but also met the global needs of their fintech partners and customers. 


One of the things that we really liked is that we could take the product and deploy it ourselves on-premise. Loqate ensures that all the data going downstream in our system is canonical, formatted & standardized.


- Charles Hearn, CTO and Co-Founder 


Alloy ensures unparalleled precision and confidence of quality address data through Loqate’s parsing, matching, formatting, and enriching capabilities. 

A latency difference of even 5 to 10 milliseconds is exponentially impactful for Alloy’s customers and their end users.  With the ability to deliver real-time data insights, Loqate provides unrivaled value, especially when paired with deployment flexibility and international coverage that spans over 250 countries and territories worldwide. 


Time is money. We want to eliminate the amount of time that it takes to apply for products as much as possible, and Loqate helps us achieve that.


- Charles Hearn, CTO and Co-Founder 


Alloy eliminated 99% of the third-party risk that they faced from sending their customer data outside of their business.  This ultimately resulted in higher verification rates (while reducing false positives), improved data normalization, and enhanced overall data quality.

Loqate was able to provide Alloy with superior global address data that is structured to local standards and nuances.

The partnership enables Alloy to reach a global audience and provide their customers with a seamless and efficient onboarding experience.  

I was completely blown away with the advantages of working with Loqate, and I think we've only started to see the amount of features that we could unlock.


- Charles Hearn, CTO and Co-Founder 

Products Alloy are using: 

Deployment Options

Whatever your implementation needs, our single API for all countries means we can offer flexible deployment options whether on premises, cloud or private cloud.

On Premise
On Premise
  • Loqate engine installed on end user server
  • Transaction and contract options available
  • Hosted via the cloud accessed by REST API
  • On demand service
  • No infrastructure cost
  • Purchase transactions
Private Cloud
Private Cloud
  • Loqate engine locally from a web server
  • Access via internally hosted web service
  • Transaction and contract options available