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UK Address File (UKAF)

The most detailed property intelligence for your business.

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How UKAF can help you?

UK Address File gives you the potential to reach customers at 33 million active UK addresses; approximately 3 million more than Royal Mail PAF®.

Improve user experience, reduce costs of failed deliveries, and make a positive return on marketing investment with Loqate's UKAF dataset.

Why use UKAF

Improve your reach

With the UK Address File (UKAF), you can avoid communication issues and reach customers at 33 million active UK addresses – a 10% uplift on the number of addresses in the Royal Mail PAF® database. 

Prevent poor quality data

Improve your data quality ensuring it is clean and accurate with Loqate's UKAF dataset

Ahead of the crowd

Get the latest address data that could otherwise take up to 12 months to appear on PAF and avoid ineffective communication and failed deliveries to customers who have just moved to a brand-new property. 

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