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RegTech Solutions

Loqate’s Global address validation significantly enhances fraud detection  

Address is foundational to identity.  Global address validation can significantly enhance fraud detection by improving the accuracy and reliability of the address data used in ML Fraud Data Models. 


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Improves address data quality and integrity

Better matching to internal and third-party data source improving fraud data model performance, increased match rates and reduced false positives.

Improve data quality
Improve data quality

Our solutions ensure quality data inputs which are a critical component to creating effective machine learning models. We do this with standardized, formatted, and enriched address data. 

Enhance fraud detection
Enhance fraud detection

Our address verification technology plays a crucial role in fraud detection by providing an essential layer of validation and verification for addresses associated with transactions, customer information, or any other type of interaction. 

Data Availability
Data Availability

Most data fraud solutions are deployed on a country-by-country basis. With Loqate you get complete global coverage for all 250 countries via a single API. 


By standardizing addresses with Loqate accompanied by our parsing, normalizing and enrichment capabilities, fraud detection models can better match and compare addresses for potential fraud patterns. 

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