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Global Store Finder

Global Store Finder

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  • Locations

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Global Store Finder features

Locations upload options
Locations upload options

Manage lists via the UI for occasional edits, or use the API for frequent updates.

Global geocoding coverage
Global geocoding coverage

Premise level geocodes in 120 countries worldwide, including point level (rooftop) geocoding in 60 countries and city centre positions for over 240 countries and territories.

Global coverage
Global coverage

Your locations anywhere in the world for all 250 countries and territories.


Integrating smart features such as opening hours, helplines, proximity and mapping options into your global Store Finder.


Our system can precisely identify the closest points using the provided latitude and longitude, offering configurable distance limits for enhanced accuracy.


Include distance to store and travel time details, featuring road-based distance to store. 

Speak to an expert

Speak to one of our product experts and get a full demo of our Global Store Finder.