China is home to 1.4 billion people, 140 million of which shop outside of the country for goods and services. But for companies operating outside the country, it can often be difficult to effectively sell and ship goods cross-border due to poor address-level data on consumers. Poor data makes it difficult to verify a customer, to identify and deliver to their address and causes compliance issues with Chinese regulations.
China Premium Data Set
Frequently asked questions
Loqate, a GBG solution, is making it easier than ever before for businesses based outside China to sell and deliver goods and services to the hundreds of millions of Chinese consumers that engage in cross-border e-commerce annually.
With our China Premium Data Set - the most comprehensive premise-level address data for mainland China on the market – Loqate can help businesses quickly verify, onboard, and deliver to Chinese consumers.
Frequently asked questions
Why is Loqate launching the China Premium Data Set?
Does Loqate already have a China Data Set?
Yes, within our Address Verify solution, our global batch and real-time address verification product but only to a V3 Street/Thoroughfare level. The China Premium Data Set significantly enhances our address verification capability in this market and enable verification to a V4 Premise level. Additionally, the China Premium Data Set is available for both our global Address Capture and Address Verify solutions.
How will the flow of data work bearing in mind the restrictions in China?
Mapping data in China must respect local laws and regulations. Only a few certified companies are legally permitted to create map data (including premise level address data files) and serve that data to third parties. The China Premium Data Set reference data cannot leave mainland China in either its raw or compiled format.
This means:
- We can provide a locally installed Verify product to businesses physically located in mainland China.
- We can also provide data through partners who are delivering products containing Loqate solutions to businesses in China.
- Loqate customers based outside of China will be able to query the China Premium Data Set using Capture, or pass complete or incomplete address strings using Verify. The query will be routed by Loqate to the China-based servers, and the result can be sent back to the point of query, even if that is outside of China. For clarity, we cannot take reference data out of China, but we can export a result as described above.
Data coverage
Type | China Data Set | Premium China Data Set |
Premise Name or Number | Not covered |
Street / Thoroughfare | Limited |
District |
City |
Province |
Postcode |
Apartment Number | Not covered | Not covered |
Will we be offering transliteration of this data?
The reference data is held in Pinyin (Latin version) and Simplified Chinese. Therefore, the search can begin with either variant and be exported in either variant. The transliteration capabilities in Verify remain.
Are there plans to add this data into other GBG products?
Any GBG product or service that utilizes Loqate products, services, or data will be able to make use of the higher grade China Premium Data Set.
Which products does the China Premium Data Set support?
Loqate Address Verification (Verify) and Loqate Address Capture (Capture).
What are the deployment options?
- Verify: on-premise (China only), SaaS
- Capture: SaaS
Example 1: Premise level address validation
Field | Value |
Administrative Area | 上海市 |
Locality | 上海市 |
Dependent Locality | 黄浦区 |
Thoroughfare | 顺昌路 |
Premise | 168弄10号 |
Building | 翠湖天地会所 |
Postal Code | 200021 |

Example 2: Premise level address validation
Field | Value |
Administrative Area | 北京市 |
Locality | 北京市 |
Dependent Locality | 朝阳区 |
Thoroughfare | 三里屯 |
Premise | 7号 |
Building | 友谊超市 |
Postal Code | {empty} |

Example 3: Premise level address validation
Field | Value |
Administrative Area | 北京市 |
Locality | 北京市 |
Dependent Locality | 朝阳区 |
Thoroughfare | 东直门外大街 |
Premise | 甲26号院 |
Building | 奥加国际公寓 |
Postal Code | {empty} |