Data Maintenance
Property Intelligence
Use location insight about your customer's address to improve customer experience.
Property Intelligence data gives you the complete picture of your customer’s property and surrounding location to help inform project planning, improve risk assessment, plan your deliveries better to avoid multiple attempts, target your offers and promotions more effectively helping to drive revenue growth and skyrocket customer experience.
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Property Intelligence Features & Benefits
If your communications can't be delivered to your customer, this can negatively affect the relationship you have with them.
If you don't fully understand the vicinity in which your customers live, you risk failed deliveries and reduced customer satisfaction. That's not what you want to be known for.
Your onboarding process is too time-consuming and you're seeing drop-offs. You need to improve your customer experience and conversions.
Why use Loqate's Property Intelligence?
Discover key information such as the building’s age, height and property type, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and any associated risks. Our data can also reveal the estimated current value and last purchase price.
Understanding more about the property’s area and whether it is a listed building in order will give you valuable insight into the current value and surrounding area burglary rates. Also available is information on congestion routes, nearest watercourse and the distance the property is from the road.
Create personalised communications based on the location, house type and occupants, and optimise the experience you give your customer by gaining the intelligence you need to streamline form filling processes allowing you to deliver services and goods quickly and efficiently.
Loqate’s Property Intelligence data file will help you with improving risk assessment, project planning and enable you to streamline operations as well as reduce costs through understanding the complete picture and physicality of a property and its history.
"Loqate has greatly met our needs in relation to capturing customers addresses, the ease of implementation along with the cost."
"The installation was so fast and the usability of the Loqate addressing tool is second to none. Anyone looking to improve UX and address data quality should look to Loqate."
"Loqate has helped us harmonize the way that we operate with global carriers. At the end of the day, the addresses that we capture at the checkout must be accurate to ensure that every parcel is safely delivered"
"When put to the test by a leading BNPL firm, Loqate provided, on average, a 23% increase in verified addresses against a competitor. "

"We’ve saved time and money due to data quality improvements from Loqate."