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Everything Location - Address Report Fields: AQI

The Address Quality Index (AQI) is used to indicate the quality of an address, e.g., Excellent quality, Good quality, Average quality, Poor quality, and Bad quality. Any record that is able to be parsed will have an AQI.

The AQI is derived from the AVC, using the following table:

AQI Address Quality Explanation Verification level Matchscore
A Excellent Verifiable to at least Premise level without changes >=4 100
B Good Verifiable to at least Thoroughfare level with minor changes >=3 >=95
C Average Verifiable to at least Locality level with moderate changes >=2 >=90
D Poor Only verifiable to at least Locality level with more than moderate changes >=2 >=80
E Bad   else else

Example: Excellent Quality

   "Address1":"999 Baker Way, San Mateo, CA, 94404, US"

The address is verified to the Premise level without changes. From the output below, we can see the post-processed verification match level is 4, and the Matchscore is 100, the Address Quality Index is A.

   "Address":"999 Baker Way, San Mateo CA 94404-1578",
   "Address1":"999 Baker Way",
   "Address2":"San Mateo CA 94404-1578",
   "CountryName":"United States",
   "DeliveryAddress":"999 Baker Way",
   "DeliveryAddress1":"999 Baker Way",
   "Locality":"San Mateo",
   "SubAdministrativeArea":"San Mateo",
   "Thoroughfare":"Baker Way"

Example: Good Quality

   "Address1":"Rua Jose Iziboro Bizetto 158, Curitiba, 81200-240, Brazil"

The address is verified to the Premise level with small change. The post-processed verification match level is 4, the Matchscore is 96, and an AQI “B” is returned.

   "Address":"Rua Jos\u00e9 Izidoro Biazetto 158, Mossungu\u00ea, 81200-240 Curitiba PR",
   "Address1":"Rua Jos\u00e9 Izidoro Biazetto 158",
   "Address3":"81200-240 Curitiba PR",
   "DeliveryAddress":"Rua Jos\u00e9 Izidoro Biazetto 158, Mossungu\u00ea",
   "DeliveryAddress1":"Rua Jos\u00e9 Izidoro Biazetto 158",
   "Thoroughfare":"Rua Jos\u00e9 Izidoro Biazetto"

Example: Average Quality

   "Address1":"80 Rama 2 Rd , Bangkok, 10150, Thailand"

The address is only verified to the Locality level, the post-processed verification match level is 2, and an AQI “C” is expected.

   "Address":"80 Rama 2 Road, Samae Dam, Bang Khun Thian, Bangkok, 10150",
   "Address1":"80 Rama 2 Road",
   "Address2":"Samae Dam",
   "Address3":"Bang Khun Thian",
   "DeliveryAddress":"80 Rama 2 Road, Samae Dam",
   "DeliveryAddress1":"80 Rama 2 Road",
   "DeliveryAddress2":"Samae Dam",
   "DependentLocality":"Samae Dam",
   "Locality":"Bang Khun Thian",
   "Thoroughfare":"Rama 2 Road",
   "ThoroughfareName":"Rama 2",

Example: Poor Quality

   "Address1":"Hong Kong Blvd 108, HongKong, HK"

The address is verified to the Thoroughfare level, however the Matchscore 81 is greater than 80, and an AQI “D” is returned.

   "Address":"108 Hong Kong-Macau Ferry, Central & Western, Hong Kong",
   "Address1":"108 Hong Kong-Macau Ferry",
   "Address2":"Central & Western",
   "Address3":"Hong Kong",
   "CountryName":"Hong Kong",
   "DeliveryAddress":"108 Hong Kong-Macau Ferry, Central & Western",
   "DeliveryAddress1":"108 Hong Kong-Macau Ferry",
   "DeliveryAddress2":"Central & Western",
   "DependentLocality":"Central & Western",
   "Locality":"Hong Kong",
   "SuperAdministrativeArea":"Hong Kong",
   "Thoroughfare":"Hong Kong-Macau Ferry",
   "ThoroughfareName":"Hong Kong",

Example: Poor Quality

   "Address1":"2010 Rutter St, Irving, TX, 75015, US"

The address is verified to the Locality level, the Matchscore is 87, and the Address Quality Index is D.

   "Address":"2010 Rutter St, Irving TX 75061",
   "Address1":"2010 Rutter St",
   "Address2":"Irving TX 75061",
   "CountryName":"United States",
   "DeliveryAddress":"2010 Rutter St",
   "DeliveryAddress1":"2010 Rutter St",
   "Thoroughfare":"Rutter St",

Example: Bad Quality

   "Address1":"Bahea Blanca 4194, Villa Devoto, C1419BAL, ARG"

The Matchscore of this address is returned at 75, which is less than 80 that is the minimum Matchscore for AQI “D”, and an AQI “E” is expected.

   "Address":"Bah\u00eda Blanca 4194, Villa Devoto, C1419BAL Ciudad Aut\u00f3noma Buenos Aires",
   "Address1":"Bah\u00eda Blanca 4194",
   "Address2":"Villa Devoto",
   "Address3":"C1419BAL Ciudad Aut\u00f3noma Buenos Aires",
   "AdministrativeArea":"Ciudad Aut\u00f3noma de Buenos Aires",
   "DeliveryAddress":"Bah\u00eda Blanca 4194, Villa Devoto",
   "DeliveryAddress1":"Bah\u00eda Blanca 4194",
   "DeliveryAddress2":"Villa Devoto",
   "DependentLocality":"Villa Devoto",
   "Locality":"Ciudad Aut\u00f3noma Buenos Aires",
   "Thoroughfare":"Bah\u00eda Blanca"

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