Monitoring Account Usage
The Loqate Account Section provides a full suite of usage reports in the Reporting page, which you can find here. In this article we will explain what each piece of reporting functionality can be used for, and how best to keep track of your usage.
We recommend you regularly check the usage for each API key - i.e. how many requests are being made and what the running costs are - in order to maintain visibility of how your services are being used.
Please note that the Charged Requests field in two of the following reports represents the number of API calls that have been made, not the volume of transactions being processed in a batch.
- For Capture or Bulk Email Validation, this figure shows the number of addresses or email addresses included in a call
- With Verify's batch capability, be aware that this figure doesn't represent the number of addresses verified in a batch request
Main report
The first report you'll see on this page shows the total number and total cost of charged requests over a given time period.
You can run this report using various date ranges - note that the date range you select here will apply to all of the other reports on this page too.
Here's what it looks like run for three days:

And here's a month - as you can see the list of data underneath the chart increases:

Usage Summary by Service
This report breaks down usage by product, based on the data range selected above. It defaults to All keys, but you can select a specific key if you only want to see the usage for services using that key.

The Product Family column shows the overall product grouping, while the Service column shows the specific endpoint. So for example, both Find and Retrieve calls will be listed as 'Addressing_Capture' under Product Family, but you'll see the separate endpoints under Service.

Summary Usage by Key
This report breaks down usage for each of your API keys. If you hover the mouse over each key though, you can see which product family it's been used for.

A note on terminology
Please note that the Charged Requests field in these summaries represents the number of API calls that have been made, not the volume of transactions being processed in a batch.
For certain products (such as Capture and Bulk Email Validation) you will see a number of records in brackets, like this:

This represents the fact that one API call might contain multiple addresses or emails, in which case it will be shown as a single request with multiple records.
If you see any usage which doesn't conform with what you'd expect, please don't hesitate to contact the Loqate Support team.