Everything Location - /address +geocode
Geocode fields may be added to either the verify (/address/verify) or auto-complete (/address/capture) API service. The request is made by including "geocode" as a parameter in the respective call. Requesting geocode fields does incur an additional credit charge.
Note: only old everythinglocation keys will work with this service.
Output Component Fields
Field | Definition |
Latitude | This field holds the WGS 84 latitude in decimal degrees format. |
Longitude | This field holds the WGS 84 longitude in decimal degrees format. |
GeoAccuracy | This field holds the GeoAccuracy (GAC) code. It's important to note that an address will not geocode to a higher level than the level it's verified to. For example, an address that verifies to L3 (Thoroughfare) will not geocode higher than L3. |
GeoDistance | This field holds the radius of accuracy in meters, giving an indication of the likely maximum distance between the given geocode and the physical location. For Point-level results (GAC = "PX"), this value may be empty or not returned. Please note that this field is derived from and therefore dependent on the accuracy and coverage of the underlying reference data. |