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Can I trial Loqate in Magento?

Yes, if you are a new Loqate customer, just get started by signing up for an account. We will give you some test credit to trial the service in Magento. Yes, you will need to enter your Loqate Predict Account Code as part of the extension install process.

Do I need to create a Loqate account before I can use the Magento extension?

Yes, you will need to enter your Loqate Account Code as part of the extension install process. If you are new to Loqate, we will give you some test credit to trial the service in Magento.

How much does the Loqate Magento 2 extension cost?

Our Magento 2 extension is free to download, install and test. To continue using the extension you will need to purchase top ups in your Loqate Account Dashboard. Credits are used for each field of data verified on a pay-as-you-go basis. If you are an enterprise sized business, please contact us for licence pricing.

How do I set up Loqate validation services in my Magento store?

We have an extension for Magento and Magento 2, visit these integrations pages or the Magento marketplace for more information and to download the extensions. Read our Setup Guide for step-by-step install instructions.

Where can I validate address, phone and email addresses in Magento 2?

By default our Magento 2 extension adds validation at the point of capture in your checkout and CRM forms.

Can I choose which validation services to use in Magento 2?

By default our Magento 2 extension validates delivery and shipping addresses, mobile phone numbers and email addresses, you can customise the fields you want to validate by selecting the options when going through the setup process on our website.

Salesforce Summer 15 changes

You may already be aware of the 'Summer '15' update from Salesforce. As part of this release there will be changes which will affect the Postcode Anywhere App. The change from Salesforce is beyond our control and will mean we need to convert you to an updated version of the Postcode Anywhere App.

To see the changes Salesforce made during this update please read the release notes

We realise that this change may cause an inconvenience, but want to reassure you that we will support all our customers during the update.

Can I continue to use the same credit/licence?

Yes, licensing terms will not change with the Salesforce app update.

Will the updated Salesforce app cost anything extra?

No, there is no additional charge for updating your Salesforce app.

Will my Salesforce app be updated automatically?

No, updates are never applied to our Salesforce app automatically. You will need to manually install the new version of the Loqate Salesforce app to overwrite the old one.

Do I need to uninstall the old Salesforce app?

No, you can install the new PCA Predict Salesforce app over the top of the old one. It will automatically remove all components from the old app.

How long will the new Saleforce app installation take?

Assuming an installation into standard Salesforce objects/fields the process should only take about 10 minutes.

If you have a more complex integration then please get in touch and this will allow us to walk you through the update step by step, and may take a little longer.

What’s the install process for the new Salesforce app?

The process is very similar to the current Loqate Salesforce app:

  1. You’ll need to install the app from the app store.
  2. Go into the settings panel and enter in your Loqate key details.
  3. Next you’ll need to go into the page layouts menu for Accounts, Contacts and Leads.
  4. Now drag and drop the ‘Address Finder’ button onto the layout.
Can I still map the Salesforce app to custom fields?

Yes, with some additional work you will be able to set up the mappings to your custom fields.

Will the Loqate Salesforce app work in custom VisualForce pages?

Yes, the Loqate Salesforce app will work in any custom VisualForce pages created within your org or by Loqate. However, it will not work inside other third party apps.

What about any other customisations I have to the Loqate Salesforce app?

If required, you will need to re-install customisations where appropriate. If you need any help with this please contact Loqate Support.

Do I need to create a Loqate account before I can use the plugin?

Yes, you will need to enter your Loqate Account Code as part of the extension install process. If you are new to Loqate, we will give you some test credit to trial the service when you register.

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